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Writer's pictureKaren Astromsky

All I Want ..... is?

Lou asked me what I want for Christmas--and I said--a new computer. It's true. It's time. But then he said--NO, what do you REALLY want? I really do want a new computer, because I really do have the other stuff. This got me thinking about what I ask of myself.

In fact, I have to ask myself every single day--what do I want? It's a question only I can answer and an order only I can fulfill--that changes regularly--that drives my life in the direction I want it to go. The computer from Best Buy--that's easy. All that requires is money. The messy stuff in the middle--around the heart center that is complicated by my own limiting beliefs, frustrations, past, fear, commitment, discipline and wantpower--that is so much harder.

Honestly, you and I do not have to be striving every second of our lives to figure things out and to be better people and to dig deeper and find more meaning and harvest more intention and solve the world's problems. That would be exhausting and mostly unfulfilling. The list would never end. We would be overwhelmed into paralysis.

Sometimes we just have to do the next right thing. By breaking down our thoughts, our feelings, our actions into the next right thing we lose the overwhelm and indecision and frustration and step into a grace space of AHH--just one simple thing that might make me feel better. Like a drink of water. Like a journal entry that says "Today sucks, and I don't know why--and I am not going to care either." (Take that, Facebook algorithm!) Like a three breath meditation. Like a step outside for a look around. Like a nap.

It's so easy and so sexy to brag about what we do well and show off our accomplishments and the finish line. It's what we see splashed all over social media. The truth of the matter is far different. Life is a messy proposition. Showing up for yourself when you are struggling by taking the next right step (a small one) is often a greater accomplishment than those TA DA moments that are pretty to look at, but they don't tell the whole and honest story.

This week, get real. If you are struggling--take note. You are struggling. If you are just going along--all is smooth--take note. If you are in a state of indecision or in between and maybe don't even know why--take note. This is what is happening FOR NOW, and you benefit from acknowledging it. That's it. Then, if you wish to take a step, like writing those very words in a journal--or asking for an assist--or giving yourself a break, then do that. One of those things is the next right thing.

Tiny moments do very heavy lifting. Let them.

Friends, Thank you for being here, reading this blog. If it helps to share it with someone--please do.

xo Coach Karen :))

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When stuck, "just do the next thing". Wisdom from missionary woman whose husband was killed by Auca Indians. Same wisdom from Coach Karen to another generation. So good, our amazing Karen!

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