This weekend marks the start of those precious three months of the year that are unlike all the rest. In Minnesota, where I reside, these three months are very special. They go by so fast. If you aren't paying attention, you risk missing out on what's important to you.
It starts with MINDSET.
This comes as no surprise to you if you've been reading my blogs and following my coachings. It is truth. What you think determines your reality. So, I have a few thoughts on how to proceed if you are interested in having a great summer, in spite of... I'll get to that.
1) Where are you at right now? How are you feeling? This on the heels of another tragedy, the 2 year anniversary of George Floyd, the backdrop of the War in Ukraine, with the global pandemic getting frisky again, inflation, no formula for babies... It's a lot. So, if you are feeling frustrated or a little sad for no apparent reason, then I am here to say there are a LOT of reasons you could be feeling off. I am feeling sad even though I am going on a great trip next week. It doesn't make sense until you slow down to notice all that is going wrong. I said that right. You don't have to be directly affected to be indirectly affected.
2) In case you didn't notice, this is our THIRD summer with Covid in the background. Yes, third. So, let's think back to the first summer, of 2020, when there was no vaccine and socializing happened distanced in driveways with bus stop graduations. Now, let's recall the second summer, of 2021, when we had vaccines but not everyone got poked--and we could do more--and were hyped that it would be the summer of YES YES FINALLY YES--only to turn into Omicron NO NO NO. Now, we are here, third summer, of 2022. How would you like it to go with what you having going on in your life? Is it the summer to take it all back and return to life as it was before Covid? Or, is it another summer of strategic exposure to risk? I have a bit of both. We are going on a trip to Paris next week--feeling comfortable about our risk but not like it is NO risk. On the other hand, we have a family reunion in August in the Poconos for my almost 85 year old dad, who is a four year pancreatic cancer survivor/thriver--and he is NOT feeling comfortable. He is not going places other than the golf course.
3) What do you want to happen this summer considering Points 1 and 2? Where do you want to go? What do you want to try? Is there an activity/hobby/sport/new adventure that you'd like to embark on? Is there a list of things that remind you of how much your precious life is worth? And, are you going to put focus on it--so that you have a great summer no matter what events are happening?
I have a lot of things that I always want to do in summer Bike riding around the lakes, picnics, walking around Lake Harriet, getting my one ice cream cone of the year at Sebastian Joe's, going on two trips, shopping the farmers' market, spending as much time outside, growing my container garden, building my business.... and trying something new. I don't know what that is yet--but I am going to be looking for an opportunity.
Take some time to make your list. Write it down. Share it with me--with people who need to cooperate or support you or go along with you! Make it public so that you stay accountable to your sum sum summertime fun. You deserve this. Why? Because you want it.
I go LIVE on Facebook every Wednesday at 4PM. I talked about this topic in more detail. Check it out if you'd rather see it and hear it than read it. www.facebook.com/karenastromskycoaching