With Labor Day behind us, and the month of September ushering in the "new year" for school kids, I am reminded of all of my previous new beginnings that used to occur for me as a student. New clothes, shoes, books, teachers, opportunities. It begins with a lot of anticipation and hope. There is change in the air, not just with cooler temps but with expectations.
Even though I am not in school anymore, I am still a student of life. I am embracing what's new, and I am giving myself permission to start over for myself. I get to use this seasonal shift and say to myself-- this is what I'd like for me and my life now that we are turning away from the ease of summer days and turning towards the season of letting go. Like trees that let go of their leaves because they don't need them anymore, we too can let go of whatever we don't need and make a fresh start.
We don't have to wait for the season to change or the month or week or day. In fact, we can make a change and begin again whenever we realize we want something other than what we have. It really is that simple. Don't overthink it. Change direction at will, whenever you find yourself out of alignment with how you'd rather be. The wind does it all day long.
Consider what your expectations for yourself are, now that it is September 2024.
Consider what you'd like to let go of.
Consider what you'd like to invite in.
Consider your hopes.
Consider your dreams.
Consider your thoughts.
Consider your feelings.
Consider what you are willing to do.
You don't need my permission to shift gears, change with the seasons, invite in something new or let go of something old. You can do it just because you want to. It's freeing. It's truth. It's yours for the taking.
I am always cheering you on!
Xo Coach Karen :))