Many of you know that I used to coach for Weight Watchers. Yes, for seventeen years! That's where I discovered how much I love coaching and public speaking. In those years, I learned a lot about people and what makes them tick--what keeps them up at night--what motivates them--and what frustrates them. And, every single year, like clockwork, the holidays would come around with lots of excitement. We'd talk about how to manage traditions and work around temptations, how to deal with the "mixed nuts" on the family tree, among other things. And, no matter how jolly it all seemed at the start, it always ended with "I am so glad it is over."
Can there be another way? Is there another way to enjoy the holidays and manage mindset and behavior without it running away? I say YES.
There has to be a way to save yourself and enjoy yourself and your activities without a pile of regrets come New Year's Eve.
Let's talk about the SAVE YOURSELF plan for holiday time. It works all year round, but this time of year, the expectations are so high. Those that we impose on ourselves--and those that we perceive others are imposing on us.
With the SAVE YOURSELF plan, you take control, and you decide in advance how you want to be. Mindful, relaxed, excited, curious, grateful, in control... How would you truly like to be? Based on how you would like to be, you can then decide what you'd like to do.
Then, imagine your most pleasant, enjoyable last month of 2024--what would that be like with all the details filled in? What would it look like, sound like, taste like, smell like? Who would be included? Where would you go? What would you do when you get there? How much will you spend? All this because of how you'd like to be.
There are four specific things I like to add to this visualization so that you can be intentional and have a great holiday season with no regrets.
1) Give yourself permission to do it your way--it's the SAVE YOURSELF plan for a reason. Whether you are going to do a lot, or a little, or none at all. It's up to you what you engage in, so create that permission slip and consider it signed, sealed and delivered now.
2) Based on what you plan to do with your time, effort, energy, money--put up a secure boundary around yourself so that it happens. If you don't want to spend money on cards or fancy gifts, because that sparks no joy, then you don't do it. End of story. It's your holiday season too.
3) Self care is a big one this time of year. The great habits and routines that support us all year long are even more important in December. There is so much distraction, so come back to how you would like to be. If your eating, sleeping, hydrating, exercising, blowing off stress, mindset shifting is not happening the way it normally does, you're going to feel bad, and that is no way to spend the holidays. Back to boundaries and permission to say no to that extra thing that is costing you too dearly.
4) FUN! It is supposed to be fun--and not just for the kiddos. It's supposed to be fun for all of us. If this isn't especially fun for you because of loss or health or family dynamics, then acknowledge that and manage your expectations accordingly. That's real. Come back to that permission slip you are writing yourself and set up those strong boundaries so that you take good care of yourself. Maybe your fun is staying home and snuggling in?
Holiday time is often made up of traditions and memories. I am all for traditions when they still make sense and make you happy, but when they have outlasted their life, it's time to put them aside. I think of baking, for example. If you don't want to have all those cookies around that no one eats, then don't bake them. (permission granted) Make half a recipe, or only bake your one all-time favorite. I learned this one myself. I love baking cookies, but I realized I was the only one eating them. Gingerbread in my nightgown with coffee for breakfast? Check. I didn't like the sugar overload, so I quit doing that. I will bake as needed for events, but I am not having random cookies on hand for myself. (self care)
We already have Thanksgiving behind us, so we have a good idea of what is to come. Managing your expectations and having your wish list met matters. So, I am encouraging you to be intentional about how you want the rest of this year to go. It doesn't have to end in "I am so glad it is over" one more time!
xo Coach Karen :))
Today is the last day to take advantage of my Black Friday/Cyber Monday guided visualization holiday gift. It's a gift for YOU. NO wrapping required. It's a 10-15 minute guided visualization that I will record and set to music based on what you want to be focusing on. It is $88 which is 40% off $149 which is what it costs as part of my coaching package. There are five spots left. You know where to find me!
Karen yes I got your message and you remembered me. I use your blogs every week and remember the 4 goals to keep in my at this season. Dennis, hubby has been in Friendship Village for 1 1/12 years with lewy body dementia. I live at home 2 miles away. Visist him now about 4 days per week during afternoons so he keeps involved with him mates during meals etc. A life change: but your meetins WW and now bogs keep my going. Many Thanks Mary Layer😍