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Writer's pictureKaren Astromsky

It's ALL Fleeting

Time, thoughts, emotions, (everything from bliss to misery) are all fleeting. Nothing lasts forever. So is that a good thing, or not? It all depends--on how you choose to think of it.

The "overlay" of your judgment is what defines every single experience for you. And therein lies your power. You have POWER over your thoughts and thereby your feelings. You have POWER to shift your thoughts and thereby your feelings whenever you like. (Why didn't someone teach me this a long time ago?)

Your heart and brain are constantly talking back and forth to each other, which is why it is so important to check in often. What are you really thinking? Is it based in reality? Is it true? Does it matter? Should you keep caring? Or, is it time for a new thought--and then a corresponding new feeling?

Most of our brain activity is subconscious--which means we are floating along with ideas based in... past experiences, frustrations, successes, disappointments, dreams, things people told us at some point. It can be very limiting to say the least, and it can be defining our present when it has no business at this point in time.

Can't things be easy? Yes! They can, except we have to choose easy. We have to choose a new way to think well of ourselves. We have to choose not to be limited by our past. We have to choose to be open to the truth that there is a lot more life to be lived, and being defined by subconscious thoughts (OH NO) or past experiences (NO AGAIN) or "learning experiences" that nearly killed us (HELLA NO) is finished.

I didn't know about the importance of mindset work until the past fifteen years or so. I always prayed, journaled and was interested in "self help" and the magic of my intuition, but I did not realize how much mindset work is required to live intentionally, with optimism and a sense of resilience. That doesn't mean I like it when "bad" things happen. Not even close. You know how I felt about my knee surgery experience and all the life lessons I got treated to. :(( What I have learned is that when we choose how we think, life doesn't just come along and attack us with rude people, unpleasant experiences or regrets. Instead, we steer our lives in the direction we want to be going. No passively waiting to see what happens, and then we'll figure out how to cope.

When it comes to getting more of what you want for yourself, whether it be weight loss or weight normalization, deeper connections with others, more peace in your family life or more humility with the aging process (that's me) we have to proactively choose it. So, that means, waste no more time "hoping, wishing, praying" it will all work out the way you want. Like every single other person on earth, if you want something you do not have, you are going to have to put in the effort, the time, the energy to get it. Good news--that means there is much MORE out there for you to enjoy. Easier thoughts and feelings about your health, easier thoughts and feelings about people in your life who have let you down. Easier thoughts and feelings about making decisions for where you want to adventure to next.

We are life long learners, and with that comes so much MORE good living for all of us. Is it different than when you were younger in years? Oh yes, but those years were full of experiences. Now, our years are full of experiences and wisdom. We know things now that we didn't then, and that is a gift.

Never give up on yourself. You are too precious, and your one life is too important to do that. This life is fleeting. Be intentional in your thoughts and feelings and actions so that you can live it on your terms, as you define them for now. You know so much. You are the expert on you. Never give up on that.

xo Coach Karen :))

PS If you would like to join the 8 week group coaching--it's not too late! We start this week: Thursdays evenings: January 25-March 14 at 7PM on Zoom. This is about DESIRES, ROUTINES, HABITS and your almighty fulfillment. It's all about what you want for yourself and your life. You can expect support, motivational coaching, journaling prompts, meditation, action steps and a transformation. $188 for the 8 week session. Send me an email by Wednesday January 24 if you are joining, and I will send you the link with payment details.

One of my client friends who came to the free training already had a transformation! She made a decision about something that was weighing on her mind for a long time--because I asked the question--what is your heart's desire? If you are looking for a transformation in your life, join us! Your future self will thank you. :)) Coach Karen

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