It's late on the eve of Christmas Eve, and I am thinking of all of you who read this blog and take it in. Thank you! I am wondering what you are doing? What is making the season bright? What is making the season heavy? How are you NOW? My favorite coaching question of all time.
Truly, how are you NOW?
Because I talk to so many people all the time with the classes I teach and the coaching I do, I hear it ALL, ALL the time. I know first-hand how life and time march on no matter what the calendar says. It can be challenging to feel festive and merry when there is a lot in the world that is the very opposite. It can be challenging to enjoy the "magic" of the season if you are obligated and stressed by Expectation with a capital E.
One thing I teach my yogis is that when life gets chaotic or too much, there is an excess of energy in our heads and hearts. It's time to do the opposite--the balancing move, which is to say, focus on the feet touching the earth, literally. Focus on what grounds you to what you truly care about. Focus on the simple pleasures, treasures, rituals, meditations that keep your life going all the other days of the year. That will work right about now as well.
I am entertaining family as I always do at Christmas. My older daughter, Lilia, is in town from Chicago with her boyfriend. I am so glad they are both here as is my daughter, Natalie, who is often around but not under my roof like she is this week. I won't get to see my son and daughter in law and grandson until late January, so I have a great trip to Memphis to look forward to. Hello 2024. Lou's kids and our grands will be in and out over the next week. My mother and Lou's mother are here to enjoy it all as well. A real blessing. My heart is full.
I extend my heart-felt good wishes to you and yours.
I hope you enjoy your holidays however you like to celebrate.
I hope you feel good about who you are and how you are showing up for yourself and your life.
I hope you give yourself the gift of kindness and compassion when times gets tough.
I hope your sense of humor stays strong if you have "mixed nuts" on your family tree, who are sitting in your living room over the next week.
I truly hope the very best for you, in every way that matters. Health, prosperity, peace of mind, presence of heart, authentic connections...
I am here for you as always. Please come to a special end of year yoga/qi gong/meditation next week on Thursday December 28 at 11-11:30 AM on ZOOM. This is my way of thanking you for being part of this community! This is for you--but feel free to invite and share the link with family and friends. Everyone can do it. Even in a chair. No going on the floor. No mat required. Just you, Lovely.
xo Coach Karen :))