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What You Have in Common with Olympic Athletes

I swam butterfly stroke as a kid at the Fort Washington, Pennsylvania Swim and Tennis Club. I love the water, and I loved swimming on the team. I also did lots of gymnastics in the backyard and in classes. Those activities made my childhood fun. That is why I love watching the Summer Olympics. This reminds me of my childhood and makes me happy.

As I am anticipating watching the games, I am imagining what it would be like to work so hard (since childhood) and train through pain and injury (since childhood) and keep training despite the setbacks (since childhood) while making countless sacrifices for myself and my family (since childhood) all for this moment--a chance to be the very best on the international stage.

When I come back to earth, I realize that we all have something in common with these incredible competitors and athletes.

We have something in us--a heart-felt wish to get what we want. That's our heart talking. We have a mindset in us that says we can do it; we can have it; we can envision our future success and even imagine it has been achieved already. We can focus our mind. We also have a physical body that says--move it or lose it. Use your body to manifest what you crave in your heart, dream about in your mind. Do the thing!

This is what motivation will do for you. This is what connecting to what you really want and then mentally rehearsing it over and over and over again while you follow through--gets you: VICTORY! My athletic goals have nothing to do with being an Olympian, but my personal goals are lofty. Let's get real! I am not in this one precious life to get less than what I envision for myself. I am in it to get as much as I want. And I bet you are too.

Motivation is like gas in your personal "tank." It gives you the energy to keep going. And, like gas in your car, it's going to be running out every time you rev that engine and go for a ride. That means we have to expect to REFILL and REFUEL our personal "gas tanks" all the time. As in every day.

No one "stays" motivated. Not even Olympic athletes, and they want that gold badly. They are always working on their heart (I want this.), their mind (I can see it. I envision my success.) and their bodies (I am practicing my success.)--and that means we can too. We can work on our own motivation skills by connecting deeply with what it is we want--asking ourselves that simple question.

  1. What do I want for now? Be open to an answer that might be different than what you expect.

  2. Then connect with an image in your mind of getting the very thing you are looking for. Feel it. What does it look like, sound like, smell like, taste like?

  3. And finally, do it--take action with your body to make the thing you want actually happen.

If you feel it and think it but don't act on it, then it was just a dream. There is not a single Olympic athlete that stopped at the feeling and thinking stages. They did the follow through. And that is what separates winners from "I just thought about it" people.

Don't waste your time trying to "stay motivated." No one does. It's not even a thing. But do put some time into thinking about what it is you really want. What does your heart keep trying to tell you? Slow down and listen for the message. Then when you are clear about it, envision it already here (law of assumption) and then make haste--do it. Be your very own day-maker. And, if like the Olympians, you need a team of helpers, then ask for it. Ask for accountability with a friend. Hire a coach (that's what I do all the time). Talk to other people who have done it and get help.

There's one game you have to gold medal in. The game of your life. NO ONE can win it but you. Get those flowers. Stand up tall and take it in because you showed up, you were dreaming BIG, you envisioned your success, and you did what it took to get what you wanted. You have yourself to thank.

xo Coach Karen :))

Please forward this along to anyone who might benefit from a boost. If you need more help in figuring out how to connect with your heart, your mind and your body, send me a message. I am here to serve.

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